On Monday, July 22 at 5:13 am, at 21 weeks and 2 days gestation, our sweet baby boy was born sleeping.
We found out 3 days prior at our anatomy scan that our little boy’s heart had stopped beating.
We have so many questions and unfortunately no answers. We had multiple ultrasounds, heard and saw his tiny heart beating, saw his little arms and legs moving around. We did every genetic test available and all came back with no cause for concern. Baby was developing perfectly, my cervix wasn’t short, I didn’t have preterm labor, no bleeding/spotting, no issues at all.
When we saw our tiny baby boy, he had 2 little eyes, a teeny nose, 10 sweet fingers and toes. We got to hold him and kiss him. We can’t understand how or why this happened but it did.
We found out 3 days prior at our anatomy scan that our little boy’s heart had stopped beating.
We have so many questions and unfortunately no answers. We had multiple ultrasounds, heard and saw his tiny heart beating, saw his little arms and legs moving around. We did every genetic test available and all came back with no cause for concern. Baby was developing perfectly, my cervix wasn’t short, I didn’t have preterm labor, no bleeding/spotting, no issues at all.
When we saw our tiny baby boy, he had 2 little eyes, a teeny nose, 10 sweet fingers and toes. We got to hold him and kiss him. We can’t understand how or why this happened but it did.

We buried our little boy in the sweetest, most poignant ceremony.
A Mom's Peace is the non-profit that helped us plan the funeral and lay him to rest.
And we'd like to offer a way to honor our son by supporting the families they serve.
Too many are unable to assume the unexpected costs of losing and burying a child:
Up to $1,200: Helps fund a burial plot for a family in need.
Up to $500: Helps offset funeral home costs.
$100 - $150: Helps provide a headstone featuring the child's name and date of loss.
$100: Helps provide a casket for burial.
$50 -$100: Helps provide manual labor to prepare a burial plot.
$25 - $50: Helps provide flowers for a funeral.
$5 - $25: From hand sewn baby blankets to remembrance necklaces, every gift helps bring a grieving mother one step closer to peace in remembering her child.
Click here to contribute:
Thank you so much for considering a tax deductible donation.
In his very short time with us, our son touched our lives.
With your help, he can continue to touch others in their time of great need.
I saw a quote that touched my heart. It said,
“Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway.”
And that is what we’ll do.
In his very short time with us, our son touched our lives.
With your help, he can continue to touch others in their time of great need.
I saw a quote that touched my heart. It said,
“Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway.”
And that is what we’ll do.