What We Do Not Do
Just as every person is unique so may be the circumstances of loss.
While we can refer you to charitable organizations, A Mom's Peace does not pay for funeral services outside of our apostolate.
Our burial assistance programs serve families that are experiencing an immediate loss.
While we can refer you to charitable organizations, A Mom's Peace does not pay for funeral services outside of our apostolate.
Our burial assistance programs serve families that are experiencing an immediate loss.
We can help you provide dignity and respect for your miscarried or stillborn baby.
Our Name
A Mom's Peace is an Apostolate for Mothers of Miscarried and Stillborn souls. We are an apostolate, not a ministry. An apostolate does the work of the apostles, serving a community as a community, inspired by the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.
A minister has received the sacrament of Holy Orders to minister to the people. It's important to note a ministry serves under a minister.
A minister has received the sacrament of Holy Orders to minister to the people. It's important to note a ministry serves under a minister.
A Mom's Peace Honors the Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy
Corporal Works of Mercy
To feed the hungry To give drink to the thirsty To clothe the naked To shelter the homeless To visit the sick and imprisoned To give alms to the poor To bury the dead |
Spiritual Works of Mercy
Counseling the doubtful Instructing the ignorant Admonishing the sinner Comforting the sorrowful Forgiving Injuries Bearing wrongs patiently Praying for the living and the dead |